The first private medical clinic in Azerbaijan, the MediClub Polyclinic, was established in 1998. The polyclinic provides services in 25 specialties (37 specialists and 11 general practitioners). The provision of services covers both outpatient treatment in a polyclinic and all types of medical care at home.
Opening hours of MediClub Polyclinic: from 8:00 to 20:00. (Sunday inclusive). Every day doctors examine up to 400 patients. The clinic's 24-hour emergency department is available both for patients evacuated to the clinic by ambulance, and for those who applied on their own.

The clinic has a retail pharmacy.
The equipment of the MediClub Polyclinic allows for such diagnostic studies as ultrasound, Doppler, ECG, EchoCG, EEG, X-ray, audiometry, neuromyography and spirometry.

A specially equipped department is designed to provide services for preventive examinations (when hiring, periodic, targeted) for employees of industrial enterprises and a clinical group of patients. The number of people who annually undergo these types of examinations is more than 3,500 people.
MediClub Polyclinic provides urgent and scheduled vaccination for adults. To detect any contraindications a patient is necessarily being examined by a doctor prior to vaccination. MediClub doctors provide all required consultations in case of vaccination required for travelling abroad or prior to planned pregnancy. Also, an immunological investigation to determine a level of infection-induced and/or vaccine-induced immunity (antibody level determination) is available in a clinic.
The presence of an operating room allows for minor surgical interventions, traumatological and gynecological surgical interventions directly in the clinic, without the need for redirection to inpatient treatment.

The day hospital service, also available at the MediClub Polyclinic, allows the patient to receive treatment without having to stay overnight. Therapy is carried out for several hours under the supervision of the attending physician of the day hospital.
The physiotherapy and rehabilitation departments of the polyclinic provide magnetotherapy, pulsed current treatment, electromyostimulation, acupuncture, lymphatic drainage, phonophoresis, high-frequency therapy, as well as classical massage and manual therapy.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, MediClub continues the rehabilitation of COVID-19 patients, including the use of halotherapy.
Laboratory MediClub Polyclinic provides round-the-clock sampling and analysis of samples. It is equipped with high-tech equipment from world-renowned manufacturers such as Roche, Abbott, Hitachi, Sysmex, Phadia, ThermoFisher Scientific, etc. About 270,000 studies are carried out annually.