Training center which operates as a part of MediClub’s Occupational Medicine department has been certified by American Heart Association since 2014 and is a regional training center with a right to issue international certificates.
Average annual number of courses held by MediClub's Training Center for 56 companies, with more than 1,000 members is 200.
The main activities of the Training Center are:
■ Advanced training of healthcare professionals;
■ First aid trainings for non-medical workers.

Courses are implied for physical persons and organizations. Training are being conducted by specialists having an extensive experience in this field.
For doctors and paramedical personnel, the following advanced training courses are held with the subsequent issuance of international certificates:
■ BLS: Basic Life Support;
■ ACLS: Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support;
■ ATLS: Advanced Trauma Life Support.

Basic Life Support (BLS)
Basic Life Support - is an emergency aid course for life-threatening conditions (respiratory arrest, cardiac arrest, asphyxia).
Scope of a course:
■ Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) for adults/children/newborns performed by one emergency worker using automatic external defibrillator (AED);
■ Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) for adults/children/newborns performed by two emergency workers using automatic external defibrillator (AED);
■ Differences of CPR performance for adults/children/newborns;
■ Artificial respiration for adults/children/newborns;
■ Artificial and supportive ventilation by bag valve mask (BVM, Ambu bag) and a mask for adults/children/newborns;
■ Detection and elimination of airway obstruction by foreign bodies in adults/children/newborn.
Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS)
Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS) - urgent aid to restore spontaneous blood circulation and airway patency.
Scope of a course:
■ Basic life support, including effective external cardiac massage, use of an Ambu bag and mask, and an automated external defibrillator (AED);
■ Identification and emergency assistance in case of respiratory and circulatory arrest;
■ Identification and emergency care in conditions leading to circulatory arrest;
■ Ensuring the patency of the respiratory tract;
■ Acute coronary syndrome;
■ Acute cerebrovascular accident;
■ Identification and emergency care for threatening arrhythmias and conduction disorders;
■ Effective activity as a member and leader of the resuscitation team;
■ Efficient work of the resuscitation team;
■ Protocols, standards and treatment regimens.
Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS)
Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) — advanced training courses for specialists (doctors) in the management of acute trauma cases.

Course of First Aid Training (basic “First Aid Course”)
Course of First Aid Training (basic “First Aid Course”) is being held for non-medical workers.
A course aims theoretical and practical explanation of first aid rules, skills are trained on simulators. Upon completion of a course, trainees who have successfully passed test exam are being certified as First Aider.
First Aid training contributes to improvement of following skills:
■ Basic life support: assessment of safety of incident area, assessment of life signs, provision for airway patency, algorithms of ambulance call, cardiopulmonary resuscitation performance);
■ placing of an injured into a stable position;
■ first aid at drowning;
■ use of AED (automatic external defibrillator);
■ algorithm of detection and first aid of acute myocardial infarction, stenocardia, stroke (acute cerebrovascular accident);
■ first aid at traumas (fractures, dislocation, soft tissue damage);
■ management of critical bleedings (applying compressing bandage and tourniquet);
■ management of thermal defeat by high and lower temperatures;
■ first aid at seizures and poisoning.