Occupational Health has been one of the activities of the MediClub Company since 1998. Today, MediClub is a top performer in the industrial medicine market of the region. The Company has expanded its activities from the Caspian Sea to the Black Sea in liaison with MediClubGeorgia.

The Occupational Health Department includes 24/7 medical stations at remote land and sea-based facilities, as well as a training center and a department of preventive medical examinations.
More than 300 international and national companies specializing in oil, gas and other fields engage services of the MediClub's Occupational Health Department.
Since 1999, MediClub has been a subcontractor of BP (British Petroleum) on the territory of Azerbaijan and Georgia.
The Occupational Health Department consists of a group of managers and doctors of industrial medicine. The tasks of this Department include management of the work of medical centers, their provision with the necessary medicines and equipment, technical support, preparation and implementation of the working procedures, improvement of the knowledge and practical skills of medical personnel, monitoring of the implementation of personal development plans (PDPs).

The duty manager is available on the phone 24/7. He/she performs the organizational part of the work for emergency medical care and medical evacuations, as well as referral to outpatient treatment.
The duty manager mobilizes additional resources from the available reserve in case of mass diseases, in accordance with the emergency response plan.
Day and night, 4 highly qualified doctors in charge provide consultation to the doctors of industrial facilities, including recommendations on diagnosis and treatment.
For assistance to victims and patients of industrial enterprises, the Department has two ambulance crews and mobile resuscitation units provided with all necessary medical equipment for transportation of patients, regardless of their severity level.

In case of hospitalization of a patient with suspected infectious disease, evacuation is carried out using a special ISOVAC capsule. All medical personnel working in the industrial medicine system, along with doctors of the ambulance and emergency services, have been trained in ACLS (Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support) and PHTLS (Prehospital Trauma Life Support), and have undergone the BOSIET (Basic Offshore Safety Induction and Emergency Training) for the evacuation of patients from the sea by helicopter or ship.
Medical stations are provided on 8 offshore sea-based platforms and 8 onshore work sites along the oil and gas pipelines, as well as on 3 ships and 5 locations of other companies.
They are provided with the necessary set of medicines and medical equipment. All onshore medical stations are provided with reanimation ambulance cars.

The main tasks of the staff of the medical station are:
■ first aid;
■ consultations for patients;
■ provision with medicines;
■ medical evacuation;
■ accounting for morbidity and injuries;
■ inspection of public catering facilities;
■ sanitary and educational work;
■ study of working conditions, identification of harmful and dangerous factors of production and recommendations to prevent the occupational diseases;
■ assessment of working spaces and recommendations for their improvement;
■ vaccination.
MediClub Training Center is a regional center certified by the American Heart Association for trainings (with the issuance of international certificates) on first aid for both non-medical staff and medical personnel.
On average, more than 200 training courses for 56 companies with more than 1,000 participants are held in the center per year.
The Mediclub's Occupational Health Department employs 54 doctors and 23 paramedics. More than 3,500 medical examinations per year are carried out for 120 companies.